Project Managers

ZERO COMSEC Violations
and Discrepancies

Veteran-Owned Small Business

Secure Communications You Can Trust

NACS has been performing Communications Security (COMSEC) account management on behalf of the U.S. Government since 2004 in various locations around the globe. NACS has provided the most knowledgeable managers to advise NSA, Combatant Commands, the State Department and nearly 50 different DoD Weapon Systems Program Managers on Foreign Military Sales (FMS) COMSEC needs and requirements. In addition, our managers have prepared senior coalition commanders and senior leadership by projecting accurate future growth forecasts for COMSEC requirements.

  • FMS Communications Security (COMSEC) Management Services
  • Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I) Systems Support
  • COMSEC advisory and training to authorized and properly cleared personnel (U.S. and Foreign nationals)
  • Security operations, cybersecurity and analysis

NACS, Inc. continues to provide the most experienced and highly trained U.S. Communications Security (COMSEC) managers to National Security Agency (NSA) COMSEC Accounts supporting FMS coalition customers to meet the NSA mission of ensuring complete communications security of U.S./Coalition interoperability initiatives on multiple continents in many different countries.

We like to say that the sun never sets on NACS Global.

Our Mission

To lead the strategic protection of land and air command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence (C4I) systems within the FMS process.

Our Values


Our project managers have extensive experience navigating the FMS process and managing the fine details of policies and protocols to ensure success.


We’re proud of our team’s record of operational excellence with zero COMSEC violations and discrepancies.


Our teams are hands-on throughout the entire COMSEC process, aligning secure partnerships between US agencies and foreign partners.

Supporting Our War Heroes

Our team members are not only the best at what they do, but many have joined NACS Global following successful careers as leaders in the US military.

Ready for the next chapter?

Let’s talk if you have a military background in communications security, aerospace, IT, and military intelligence.

A global company that gives back.

We never take our good fortune for granted, and we’re always seeking ways for our teams to give back to the communities we protect.