NACS has extensive experience in managing all facets of military communications security platforms.
NACS has been the prime contractor on multiple contracts in Europe and the Middle East since 2004. NACS has partnered on various multiple award IDIQ (Indefinitely Delivery Indefinite Quantity) contracts.
North American Consulting Service’s capabilities are recognized internationally, based on our multi-faceted approach. First, we rigorously maintain, review, and update our detailed and customer-focused policies and procedures anchored in U.S. government policy and U.S./coalition partner mission. Second, policies and procedures are only as good as the personnel executing the support – this is why we spend extensive amounts of person-hours dedicated to researching and discovering highly skilled individuals with exceptional experience. Finally, the bedrock of our capabilities is due to our internationally-recognized project managers. Our NACS project managers support the NACS personnel on the ground, the coalition partners, and the U.S. government by providing their unmatched knowledge and experience with absolute dedication.
KIT 1C, KY-58M, RT 1836C, KG/SG 250, KG/SG 175 D, KY/SY 100, KY/SY 117 F, KY/SY 58 1, MRAP, Patriot, SEWS, CPN/CENTRIXS, Harris Radios, Gator Sites, Radar Sites, DAGR GPS Units, GBADS, HIMARS, SAASM GPS, THAAD
AN ARC 231 V C, AN CSZ 5D, AN CYZ 10, AN PYQ C, KIR 1C, KIV 119, KIV 6, KIV 77, KIV 78, KY-58M, KY-100M, RT 1785C U, RT 1794 C, RT 1478 D C (ARC 201D), RT 1808A C ARC 231 V C, KG/SG 250, KY/SY 100, KY/SY 58 1, AH-64 Apache, F-16, UH-60M, Twin Otter DHC 6, Chinook CH-47, CASA 295, C-130J, C-17, Typhoon Aicraft, Link 11, Link 16, Link 22, MODE 4 and 5 IFF, SAASM GPS,
In 2004 NACS was awarded the management of the US/UAE Communications Security (COMSEC) Account. We stood that account up and helped the entire UAE military grow at an exponential rate. Our dedication to the US government and the Foreign Partner was unmatched. As a result, our reputation has spread. Since then, NACS has managed five different FMS COMSEC Accounts. These accounts have been audited fourteen times with over eighty semi-annual inventories, resulting in ZERO COMSEC violations, ZERO discrepancies, and 100% physical Accountability. This performance record has received “Best Audited Account to Date” and “The Best Managed Accounts” in multiple Areas of Responsibility.